EMI TA Training 全英語教學助理培訓
In recognition of the pivotal role that TAs play in EMI courses, our Center offers a comprehensive training program designed to provide essential support for EMI TAs, equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to succeed. The framework of our EMI TA training is outlined below:
EMI TA Handbook 全英語教學助理資源手冊
This EMI TA Handbook is designed to help you navigate your role with confidence, covering essential responsibilities, communication strategies, classroom facilitation tips, and solutions to common challenges. You’ll also find practical examples of written announcements, discussion techniques, and useful classroom expressions to enhance your effectiveness. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your skills, this resource will support you in creating a more engaging English-learning environment.
Information about English Proficiency Tests 英語能力檢定相關資訊
📁 English Proficiency Test and Course Enrolment Subsidy 英文能力檢定與修習英語文課程獎勵