檔案下載 TA手冊
113-2學期 教學助理增能系列活動 – AI知能講座
◆ 講題:從AI虛擬知識到AI虛擬助教 — 以清華大學實作應用為例
◆ 主講人:王道維教授(國立清華大學物理系)
◆ 時間:2025年4月1日(二) 13:30 – 15:00
◆ 形式:線上進行
◆ 報名:https://forms.gle/jLUdbBduxND9NDeN7
◆ 報名截止日期:2025年3月25日(二)
◆ 備註:
1. 本活動以線上會議方式進行,會議連結將於活動前三天透過email提供
2. 王道維教授簡介:
◎ https://reurl.cc/DKWrWd
3. 本場次工作坊演講以中文進行
【Event Information】
◆ Topic: From AI virtual knowledge to AI virtual teaching assistants — Take the practical application in National Tsing Hua University as an example
◆ Instructor: Prof. Daw-Wei Wang (The vice director of Center for the Application and Development of AI in Humanity and Social Science in National Tsing Hua University)
◆ Time: 13:30 PM – 15:00 PM on April 1st, 2025
◆ Online Only
◆ Registration: https://forms.gle/jLUdbBduxND9NDeN7
◆ End date of registration: March 25th, 2025
◆ Note:
1. The workshop will be conducted via an online conference. The meeting link will be provided via email three days before the event.
2. Speaker Introduction:
◎ https://reurl.cc/DKWrWd
3. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese.