

​Goal: To encourage students to do service learning and become tutors through peer tutoring, and helping of students with special learning needs or difficulties.



Each department will be responsible for the pairing of those in need of tutoring and those who are willing to be tutors. Students’ academic advisors or counsellors will take on the role of the advisor for the pair. The form should be completed by the tutor, and turned in before the announced deadline each semester.


    • 依受輔學生之不及格學分數為依據,以上學期二分之一學分不及格且當學期有修習受輔課程之學生為優先,其次為上學期三分之一至二分之一學分不及格之學生。Review will be based on the failed academic credits. Priority will be given to those who 1. have failed more than half of the credits taken in the previous semester, and 2. are currently taking the course that is listed in the tutor application. Those who failed 1/2 to 1/3 of their credits in the previous semester will have be a secondary priority.
    • 特殊學習需求學生請敘明原因,或另附特殊學習需求之相關文件,以利後續審核。For students with special learning needs, please state the reasons, or attach relevant documents, as a reference for the review.
    • 教學發展中心審查後將公告通過申請之名單。The list of successful applicants will be announced after the review.


每學期輔導次數應達至少6次,課輔員於學期結束前至教學發展中心網頁列印及填寫「國立臺灣師範大學課業輔導學習紀錄」,再交由指導老師評估及提供建議,送交教學發展中心留存,做為後續獎勵依據。There should be at least 6 sessions of tutoring, and before the end of the semester, the tutor should fill out the “NTNU Academic Tutoring Record” on CTLD’s website. The tutor should then print out the record and send it to the responsible counsellor for review and suggestions, before sending it to CTLD  for archiving and future references.

每學期每名課輔員核發學習獎勵金5,000元及服務證明。Each tutor will be granted NT$5,000 per semester along with a service certificate.

如課輔員覺得力有未逮,得向教發中心申請終止擔任課輔員。A tutor who wish to terminate this award may file an application to the CTLD.



●  獲補助外國學生、僑生,須同時使用國際事務處華語輔導資源(OIA華語輔導系統或一對一華語輔導)來提升中文能力,並請於【課業輔導學習紀錄】檢附預約證明或相關佐證資料。國際處華語輔導資源網址(國際事務處>相關資源>其他>本校華語學習、華語輔導資訊):https://reurl.cc/37gem9


●   申請書繳交時間:114年2月17日(一)起至3月14日(五)截止

●   請於期間內擲交「紙本申請書」,並將「申請書電子檔」(odt或word檔)寄至承辦人信箱c31430@ntnu.edu.tw

●   公佈第一階段錄取名單:114年3月27日(四)


●   申請書繳交時間:114年4月7日(一)起至4月29日(二)截止

●   請於期間內擲交「紙本申請書」;「申請書電子檔」(odt或word檔)寄至承辦人信箱c31430@ntnu.edu.tw

●   公佈第二階段錄取名單:114年5月2日(五)


●   繳交紙本「課業輔導學習紀錄」(附件2):114年6月9日(二)起至6月13日(五)

●   課輔員與受輔學生填寫「期末回饋問卷」:114年6月9日(二)起至6月13日(五)

※課輔員 問卷:「113-2課輔員獎勵方案【課業輔導員】期末問卷  Tutor Service Tutor Survey」


※受輔學生 問卷:「113-2 課輔員獎勵方案【受輔學生】期末問卷 Tutor Service Student Survey」


●   若欲申請終止課輔,請務必於寒/暑假之前擲交「終止申請表」(附件3)