EMI教師專業發展課程 英語授課知能工作坊 EMI課程解構
EMI Instructor Training Program EMI Workshop Decoding An EMI Class
計 | 畫 | 宗 | 旨
因應國際化趨勢,同時也為廣泛推動英語競爭力的培植,本中心自106學年度起開始推動「EMI計畫(English as a Medium of Instruction)」,每學期皆開設帶狀師資訓練工作坊與相關學術交流講座,鼓勵欲以英語作為授課語言的教師進行系統性的實作討論及反思,協助教師全面提升英語授課品質與知識應用,進而強化學生之英語能力,以達成各學科的教學目標與標準。
To adapt to globalization and enhance English competitiveness, our center launched the “EMI Program (English as a Medium of Instruction)” in 2017. Each semester, we provide teacher training workshops and academic exchange lectures, encouraging teachers who want to use English as the language of instruction to engage in practical discussions and reflection. This helps improve the quality of English instruction, benefiting students’ English skills and achieving subject-specific teaching goals. Through collaborative teaching demonstrations and real-time feedback, these workshops aim to deepen teachers’ professional development and activate instructional content, drawing inspiration from diverse teaching methods to foster a broader perspective and achieve effective assessment and teaching practices.
歷 | 屆 | 活 | 動
106學年度至108學年度第一學期 偕同British Council辦理「Academic Teaching Excellence課程」,探討班級管理、課程設計、活動帶領、問題引導技巧等。後與共同教育委員會外文教育組、英語學系、教育學系、國際人力資源發展研究所聯合企劃「EMI大師工作坊」,針對英語教學培訓與課堂經驗進行分享與討論,課程內容包含專業口語表達、同儕反饋機制、深度討論分析、數位媒材應用、遊戲式學習、跨文化溝通等。
From the academic year 106 to the first semester of the academic year 108, we collaborated with the British Council to conduct the “Academic Teaching Excellence Course.” This course explored topics such as classroom management, curriculum design, leading activities, and facilitation skills. Subsequently, we collaborated with the Joint Education Committee’s Foreign Language Education Division, the Department of English, the Department of Education, and the Institute of International Human Resource Development to organize the “EMI Master Workshop.” This workshop focused on sharing and discussing English teaching training and classroom experiences, covering subjects like professional oral expression, peer feedback mechanisms, in-depth discussion analysis, digital media applications, gamified learning, and cross-cultural communication.
108學年度第二學期至110學年度第二學期 採用英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院研發之「The Certificate in EMI Skills Online Course」EMI線上自學課程。該套課程涵蓋8個不同的主題模組如:Language for lectures、Language for seminars、Language for small groups and practical sessions、Language for tutorials and supervision等,每個模組約有5小時的課程,共計40小時。完成全數課程後,系統並提供學員電子版修業證明書。
From the second semester of the academic year 108 to the second semester of the academic year 110, we adopted the “Certificate in EMI Skills Online Course” developed by the Language Assessment Division of the University of Cambridge for self-paced online EMI learning. This course encompasses 8 different thematic modules, such as “Language for lectures,” “Language for seminars,” “Language for small groups and practical sessions,” and “Language for tutorials and supervision.” Each module consists of approximately 5 hours of coursework, totaling 40 hours. Upon successful completion of all modules, the system provides participants with an electronic certificate of completion.
111學年度第二學期至112學年度第一學期 改採牛津EMI培訓中心 Oxford EMI Training 之《Oxford EMI Self-Access Online Course》課程
配合本校EMI教學資源中心專案,該課程針對EMI 授課的各個階段,設計四大學習模組,內容涵蓋教學方法、教育政策、語言應用、教學媒材、課室管理等主題,課程共計 40 小時,完課後核發修業證書。
In alignment with Resource Center for EMI project, this course is designed to address various stages of EMI instruction through four major learning modules. The content covers topics such as teaching methods, educational policies, language application, instructional materials, and classroom management. The course totals 40 hours, and upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion. For detailed course information, please refer to Attachment 1: “Oxford EMI Self-Access Online Course” Course Guide.
112學年度第二學期與美國在臺協會(American Institute in Taiwan,簡稱AIT)合作《全英語授課》(English as Medium of Instruction)專案
本專案包含【線上自學課程】及【成果發表】兩項活動:詳細專案內容請見 https://www.obe.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/rcemi_zh/rcemi_project_zh/
本線上課程為Online Professional English Network系列,Ohio University研發之《全英語授課》線上課程。課程內容包括影片、閱讀、小組討論專業分享,議題包括課程設計、教學大綱的設計、課堂和教材的發展、以英語互動教學、以及透過科技融入學習。課程將協助教師辨別在EMI課堂上遇到的挑戰,並運用策略幫助學生學習內容和培養英語能力。課程亦關注教師如何自信地發展以互動為主、注重學生學習的教學法來進行英語授課。進行方式採虛實整合,特色有二:第一,學員採線上自學、小組共學模式,並委請曾經參與本專案之種子教師,作為專家定期帶領討論;第二,整合AI科技,以課程內容設計EMI教學實用英語,一步步建立教師EMI教學的口說自信。
This project includes two activities: “Online Self-learning Courses” and “Achievement Presentation.” For detailed project information, please visit https://www.obe.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/rcemi_zh/rcemi_project_zh/
The online course is part of the Online Professional English Network series, developed by Ohio University, titled “Full English Instruction.” The course content includes videos, readings, group discussions, and professional sharing. Topics cover course design, syllabus design, classroom and material development, interactive teaching in English, and integrating technology into learning. The course aims to assist teachers in identifying challenges in EMI classrooms and using strategies to help students learn content and develop English proficiency. The course also focuses on how teachers can confidently adopt interactive, student-centered teaching methods for English instruction. The approach involves a combination of virtual and real integration with two main features: first, participants engage in online self-learning and group learning, with seed teachers from the project serving as experts leading regular discussions; second, AI technology is integrated to design practical English for EMI teaching, gradually building teachers’ oral confidence in EMI instruction.
The online course consists of 8 modules, totaling 80 hours, and participants are required to complete the course between March 1 and May 15 of the 113th academic year. Members participating in this course will gain comprehensive concepts and strategies for EMI teaching, including course design, teaching strategies, assessment methods, and teaching support. Participants in this mandatory course should log in to the Moodle platform provided by RCEMI for course participation. In addition to online self-learning courses, the Teaching Resource Center of our school will organize online lectures. Participants can choose topics of interest to strengthen their individual EMI professional competence.
113學年度第一學期起 採用本校EMI教學資源中心所開設之「EMI教學增能課程」《EMI Teaching Empowerment Course》
In collaboration with our school’s Resource Center for EMI, the ‘EMI Teaching Empowerment Course’ combines synchronous and asynchronous formats, as well as online and in-person modes, to enhance the instructional abilities of EMI practitioners. To meet the diverse training needs of teachers, the program offers courses in four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Teachers can choose courses to create a personalized and flexible schedule.
All participants in this course will have access to Moodle, the learning platform of NTNU, and the Sensay AI English Speaking Platform. The course consists of four modules, covering topics such as the EMI teaching context (12 hours), EMI teaching methods (12 hours), EMI intercultural communication (6 hours), and EMI teaching demonstrations (6 hours), totaling 36 hours. The course integrates EMI instructional design and AI technology applications, with lectures delivered by both domestic and international EMI expert instructors. The goal is to train teachers to deliver subject content in English, balancing theory and practice, while focusing on enhancing EMI teaching practices.
Participants are required to follow the course guidelines and complete the course to meet the completion standards, including attending a final presentation to demonstrate their teaching. Those who complete all 36 hours will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion for the EMI Teaching Empowerment Course.’ Those who do not meet the 36-hour requirement will be issued a certificate of attendance by the Resource Center for EMI.
For more detailed course information, please visit the website below.
業務承辦 Contact:王小姐 Ms. Wang Ext: 1894 kaichi86527@ntnu.edu.tw
國高中教師若有雙語教學需求,請洽詢本校雙語教學研究中心 https://www.emi.eng.ntnu.edu.tw/