EMI教師專業發展課程 英語授課知能工作坊 EMI課程解構
EMI Instructor Training Program EMI Workshop Decoding An EMI Class
EMI課程解構 / Decoding An EMI Class
The Center for Teaching and Learning Development is launching a brand new program for the 112th Academic Year called “Decoding An EMI Class” as part of EMI instructor professional development. We have invited experienced EMI instructors from our institution to film course recordings and conduct post-lesson interviews, providing an authentic glimpse into EMI teaching in action. These videos, along with in-depth interviews with the instructors, aim to enhance the teaching expertise of our EMI instructors. “Decoding An EMI Class” releases two videos for each EMI instructor, including “The Real-Time Record” and “Instructor’s Interview,” and we recommend watching them together for a comprehensive understanding.
最新影片 / Latest Videos
Instructor: Dr. Chao Wang, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Course Name: Analog and Digital Computing Elements
授課教師:師資培育學院 Keith Graham助理教授
Instructor: Dr. Keith Graham, School of Teacher Education
Course Name: Classroom English for Bilingual Education