112學年度第2學期補助教學精進計畫績優名單公告Announcement of Outstanding Projects for Spring 2024 – Teaching Innovation Program
發佈時間: 2024-11-11 16:29:57
List of Outstanding Projects for Spring 2024 Semester of the “Subsidy for Enhancing Teaching Innovation and Community of Practice Program”:
- 個人計畫(Individual Project):
- Developing new methods for EMI teaching in Performing Arts/ Graduate Institute of Performing Arts -Jonathan James Bollen
- 專業社群計畫(Community of Practice Project):
- 進擊的聲與故事:Podcast新聞報導實作/大眾傳播研究所蔡如音老師
- 啟動思辨,輸出表達:從深度討論到寫作、表達的教案研發與成效/共同教育委員會國文教育組主任胡衍南老師
The above three outstanding projects were selected from 23 results reports. Congratulations to all awardees!
※Selection Instructions: After reviewing the results reports, the outstanding projects were selected based on scoring. In principle, the project with the highest score in each of the two categories—Individual Project and Community of Practice Project—is awarded. If there are two projects with the highest score in the same category, one or both projects may be awarded as outstanding, depending on the circumstances.