
AI知能系列工作坊(一) AI人工智慧課程:計劃書生成技巧與演練

發佈單位: 教學發展中心教師專業發展組
發佈時間: 2024-03-08 15:04:29


Generative artificial intelligence tools are rapidly advancing and capable of handling tasks such as image generation, data analysis, web queries, and logical reasoning. Starting from specific case studies, we will recommend the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc., based on specific needs. We will share the production process of project proposals and methods for crafting prompts, enabling the swift application of generated content in various work scenarios.


Speaker / 主講人:  莊哲昀  台灣數位文化協會CTO
                 泛科學院 YouTube 頻道主持人 。曾於趨勢科技擔任軟體測試工程師。負責台灣數位文化協會 Puncar Action 胖卡數位落差公益計畫,走訪超過數百個社區與非營利組織,協助資訊應用與加速數位轉型。
Date / 日期:Friday, 2024/4/19
Time / 時間:12:10 PM-1:10PM
Location/地點:校本部文學院樸106教室  Pu 106
1. 報名截止至4月12日晚間17:30止,或額滿為止。
    Registration is open until 17:30 on April 12th or until full capacity .
2.本演講含實際演練 This lecture includes practical exercises.
3.名額限20名,校內教師優先 Limited to 20 participants,Priority is given to NTNU faculty.
4.學員需自備筆電 Required to bring laptops.
■本活動敬備餐點(非正餐)。不接受現場報名。  Light refreshments (non-meal) will be provided. No on-site registration is accepted.
■完成報名後,獲得錄取者將寄發成功通知信。若報名人數已達上限20名,則系統將自動出現說明報名截止字樣。  After completing registration, Upon completion of the application, a letter of success will be sent to those who have been accepted. If the maximum registration limit of 20 participants is reached, the system will automatically display a notice indicating the registration deadline.
