
NTNU EMI TA Training Workshop (2023 Spring Semester)

發佈單位: 教學發展中心學生學習促進組
發佈時間: 2023-02-23 13:59:05

2023 Spring Semester EMI TA Training Workshop will start to register on March 6th. CTLD sincerely invite you to join our events.

111-2學期 EMI TA 培訓工作坊於3月6日(一)起開始報名,臺師大教發中心誠摯邀請對下列議題有興趣的師生踴躍參與。

【Mrach 29 MTNU EMI TA Training Workshop】(Only Physical Session)
◆ Topic: How to use the CAL’s resources to facilitate students’ learning of academic English skills?
◆ Instructor: Dr. Siru Lin [Postdoctoral Fellow at the center for Academic Literacy (CAL), NTNU]
◆ Time: 12:20pm – 1:50pm on Mrach 29th
◆ Venue: Pu 201 classroom of Teaching Building on Heping Campus of NTNU  (No 162, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei City)
NTNU Registration: Open on March 6th  https://forms.gle/ZLCz89fKvpxJuqpM9  
Non-NTNU Registration:Open on March 6th https://forms.gle/zWn9b4db6FQwuGP89
◆ The Final admission notice will be announced on Mrach 24th.

【3/29 NTNU EMI TA 培訓工作坊】(僅提供實體場次)
◆  講題:How to use the CAL’s resources to facilitate students’ learning of academic English skills?
◆  主講人 :林席如(臺師大英語學術素養中心博士後研究員)
◆  時間:3/29 (三) 12:20 – 13:50
◆  地點:國立臺灣師範大學和平校區教學大樓樸201教室(臺北市大安區和平東路一段162號)
◆  校內報名連結:3/6 (一) 起 https://forms.gle/ZLCz89fKvpxJuqpM9
◆  校外報名連結:3/6 (一) 起 https://forms.gle/zWn9b4db6FQwuGP89
◆  因座位有限,若報名額滿將提早結束報名,我們將於3/24 (五) 寄送錄取通知。


【April 28 NTNU EMI TA Training Workshop】(Physical Session plus live streaming via Google Meet)
◆ Topic: How to Lead a Quality Talk
◆ Instructor: Lo Mei-Lan (Associate Professor at Department of English, NTNU  )
◆ Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm on April 28th 
◆ Venue: Lecture Hall 201 of Education Building on Library Campus, NTNU (No 129, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei City)
Registration: Open on March 6th https://forms.gle/VnpJb7pEfFMv5MpS7 
◆ The Final admission notice will be  announced on April 25th.

【4/28 NTNU EMI TA 培訓工作坊】(提供實體場次+Google Meet 直播)
◆  講題:How to Lead a Quality Talk
◆  主講人 :羅美蘭(臺師大英語學系副教授)
◆  時間:4/28 (五) 14:00 -15:30
◆  地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區教育大樓教201演講廳(臺北市大安區和平東路一段129號)
◆  報名:3/6 (一) 起 https://forms.gle/VnpJb7pEfFMv5MpS7
◆ 因座位有限,若報名額滿將提早結束報名,我們將於4/25 (二) 寄送錄取通知。

Contact: Mei-Tzu Pan (#1896) mtpan@ntnu.edu.tw
