
111-1 Semester EMI TA Training Workshop 111-1學期 EMI TA 培訓工作坊

發佈單位: 教學發展中心學生學習促進組
發佈時間: 2022-09-14 11:02:25

In order to develop the ability of EMI TAs to create the all-English friendly communication classroom environment. The Center for Teaching and Learning Development, NTNU would like to invite you to join us in our EMI TA Training Workshop.

為培養本校EMI課程教學助理具備營造友善全英語溝通課室環境之能力,以提升本校EMI課程授課品質。國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心辦理 EMI TA 培訓工作坊,誠摯邀請有興趣的同學踴躍參與。

Click on the picture to register. 點擊圖片即可進行報名

  • Topic: Communication Skills for EMI TAs
    講題:EMI TA的溝通表達力
  • Instructor: Christine S. Chang (Full-Time Teacher, the center for Academic Literacy)
    主講人 :張文嘉(臺師大英語學術素養中心專任教師)
  • Teaching Assistant: Yi Jeng Fu (Undergraduate Student, Department of Education)
  • Time: 12:20pm – 2:00pm on October 25th
    時間:10/25 (二) 12:20 – 14:00
  • Venue: Jeng 206 classroom, 2F, Teaching Building on Heping Campus of NTNU
  • Registration: Monday, September 19th to Wednesday, October 12th
    報名:9/19 (一) 至 10/12(三)
  • Due to limited seats, this workshop prioritizes 111-1 semester EMI TAs.
    本工作坊優先錄取本學期擔任 EMI TA 者
  • The Final admission notice will be announced on October 14th. 錄取通知將於10/14(五)寄送

  • Please note that this workshop will be conducted in English.
  • Because the workshop includes lots of group discussions and practices, it’s necessary to bring the notebook or mobile phone, and stationery for course practices.
  • According to NTNU 111-1 Semester COVID-19 epidemic prevention regulations, it not allowed eating food during class; therefore, the pastry boxes will be provide after the workshop.
  • Contact: Mei-Tzu Pan (Ext.1896) mtpan@ntnu.edu.tw
    聯絡人:潘美慈 (分機1896) mtpan@ntnu.edu.tw
