
發佈單位: 教學發展中心教師專業發展組
發佈時間: 2022-05-11 13:26:13
發佈時間: 2022-05-11 13:26:13
111年度教學實踐研究計畫教學知能成長課程 研究倫理主題演講
- 活動時間:111年6月8日(三) 12:20~13:20
- 活動地點:Google Meet線上會議(網址另行通知)
- 主持人:教學發展中心林子斌主任
- 講者:潘淑滿主任委員/教授(本校研究倫理審查委員會主任委員、社會工作學研究所教授)
- 參加對象:有意申請或現正執行教學實踐研究計畫之本校教師。
- 研習證明:全程參與並完成簽到、簽退者,於活動結束後兩週,將以電子郵件方式寄發1小時研究倫理時數證明。
- 報名時間:請於6/2(四)前報名。
- 報名連結:https://forms.gle/fTsfC6Thx13YpEzC7
- 主辦單位:教務處教學發展中心、研究發展處研究倫理中心
- 聯絡人:蔡小姐(分機1891)、light@ntnu.edu.tw
The Research Ethics of MOE Teaching Practice Research Program 2022
Research ethics of University teaching practice
- Time: 12:20~13:20, June 8, 2022
- Location: Google Meet virtual meeting (the link will be notified later)
- Host: Tzu-Bin LIN, Director of CTLD
- Speaker: Professor Shu-Man Pan
(Chairperson, Research Ethics Committee & Professor, Graduate Institute of Social Work, NTNU) - Participants: NTNU faculty members who are interested in applying for or currently implementing a Teaching Practice Research Program.
- Certificate of Attendance: For those who fully complete the training course with signing in and out, a certificate of 1-hour research ethics training will be sent by email two weeks after the event.
- Registration deadline: Thursday June 2
- Registration Link: https://forms.gle/fTsfC6Thx13YpEzC7
- Organizer: Center for Teaching and Learning Development, NTNU & Center for Research Ethics, NTNU
- Contact: Ms. Tsai (Ext. 1891), light@ntnu.edu.tw