• New Faculty Orientation (Hong-Hu Camp)
New faculty should attend new faculty orientation at least once within their first year at NTNU. Those who are unable to attend in their first semester at NTNU should attend in the following semester. The orientation is being held by CTLD to not only welcome new faculty, but also help new faculty get to know NTNU better. In addition, it also encourages new faculty to actively participate in teaching and research, and fulfill the three duties of being a professor: educate, research, and serve.
thehappyeyes@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1877
• Instructional Consultation
This program is a consolidation of the faculty mentorship program and “Formative Peer Review of Teaching” for new faculty. Newly-hired assistant professors and lecturers are required to undergo the program. CTLD and the department of the new faculty concerned will each recommend one candidate to serve as instructional counsellors. Through instructional reflections and cooperation with faculty peers, counsellors will assist new faculty members to acclimatize to their new teaching environment, and improve their instructional quality. Forms of counseling include “Consultation and guidance on instruction” and “Peer class observation and feedback”.
thehappyeyes@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1877
• MOE Teaching Practice Research Program
The project encourages instructors to pose questions based on instructional practice, and through means such as curriculum design, instructional material and pedagogy, and adoption of technology and media, formulate appropriate research approach and assessment to examine the teaching and learning process. The ultimate goal is to improve the instructional quality of the instructor, as well as student’s learning outcome.
light@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1891
• English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Program
While the primary language of instruction of NTNU is Mandarin, English is also becoming more common as the number of international students increased, and the demand for English proficiency grew. The EMI program aims to enhance NTNU faculty’s ability to teach in English, and has been warmly received by our instructors.
kaichi86527@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1894
In light of NTNU’s need for internationalization and the 2030 Bilingual Policy, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development organizes EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Workshop on a monthly basis. The workshop offers our faculty and doctoral students an opportunity to participate in a systematic discussion about EMI and to reflect on their own EMI practices, with a goal of improving the overall quality and applied knowledge of English instruction at NTNU. For events information, please visit: https://ctld.ntnu.edu.tw/emi-workshop
v90370@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1889
• Subsidy for Enhancing Teaching Innovation and Community of Practice
To encourage NTNU instructors to pursue instructional improvements and innovations and to form professional communities aimed at enhancing instructional quality, NTNU has issued the “Directives Governing Subsidy for Enhancing Teaching Innovation and Community of Practice.” All full-time faculty are eligible to apply for funding either as individuals or as part of a professional community. There are two application periods each year: one by mid-May and another by mid-November. Exact dates for each application period will be announced at the beginning of each semester.
icchiang@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1887
• Teaching Awards
To recognize faculty for their contributions to teaching, NTNU annually presents the Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA) and the Excellence in Teaching Award (ETA). Each awardee receives a financial bonus and a trophy or certificate.
Instructors apply for these awards through their respective units in March. Following a recommendation from the selection committee of their department and college or center (including the School of Teacher Education, Center for General Education, and Academy of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students), candidates are forwarded to the university selection committee for final review.
light@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1891
• Peer Lesson Observation and Feedback-Opening Classroom
In addition to excelling in research, instructors also need to devote a significant portion of their time and efforts to instruction. To promote exchanges and dialogues on instructional improvement, CTLD regularly schedules a university-wide Open Observation Event every semester. Working within the framework of instructor’s course plan and topics, CTLD will compile and publish online the times when the participating courses would be open to observation. It is hoped that instructors will not only open their classrooms for others to observe, but also go to other instructor’s classrooms to observe, and provide supportive feedback to each other.
thehappyeyes@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1877
v90370@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1889 《EMI Courses》
• Capstone Course Funding
A “Capstone Course” is a course that is designed based on the core competencies of a department. It is a course that allows both higher level undergraduate and graduate students to integrate and deepen their learning and better prepare them for future research or professional development.
CTLD will accept “Capstone Course Funding” applications at the start of every semester. Through the application, CTLD will help departments examine their course structure, and provide an analysis on the alignment between the learning paths in their course design and their departmental (institutional) core competencies. At the same time, CTLD will help review the course’s systematic assessment of student learning, to better track, evaluate, and represent student’s core competency development.
c31430@ntnu.edu.tw (02)7749-1892